Selamat Datang di Portal Jurnal Universitas Tridinanti


  • Jurnal Kompetitif


    Journal title Jurnal Kompetitif
    Initials Kompetitif
    ISSN Online 2721-3765
    ISSN Print 2302-4585
    Nasional accreditation Terakreditasi Peringkat 6 dari Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi
    DOI 10.52333
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January-Juni, Juli-Desember)
    Publisher Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tridinanti Palembang
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar |Garuda |Dimension | Others
    Scope Journal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Perbankan
  • Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Tridinanti (Jurnal Ratri)


    Initials JURNAL RATRI
    ISSN Online 2827-9328
    ISSN Print 2715-0208
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January-June, July-December)
    Publisher Faculty of Economic, Tridinanti University
    Subject Areas Economic, Accounting
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension |DOAJ | Others
  • Strategi


    Journal title STRATEGI : Jurnal Manajemen
    ISSN Online 2830-4454
    ISSN Print 2089-6948
    Frequency 2 issues per year (April, October)
    DOI 10.52333
    Publisher Universitas Tridinanti
    Subject Areas Economic, Management
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension | | Others
    Strategi : Jurnal Manajemen merupakan perubahan nama dari jurnal manajemen menjadi Strategi yang diterbitkan sebagai media komunikasi bagi berbagai kalangan yang mempunyai perhatian terhadap perkembangan sistem informasi berbasis Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi.
  • Jurnal Ekonomi Mengabdi


    Journal title JEM : Jurnal Ekonomi Mengabdi
    Initials JEM
    ISSN Online 2962-5912
    ISSN Print -
    Frequency 2 issues per year (October, April)
    DOI 10.52333
    Publisher Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Tridinanti
    Subject Areas Ekonomi
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    Jurnal ekonomi mengabdi adalah jurnal ilmiah untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bidang ekonomi. Jurnal ini terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Oktober dan April. Bertujuan untuk menyebarkan hasil-hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bidang ekonomi kepada masyarakata ilmiah. Diterbitkan oleh fakultas ekonomi universitas Tridinanti Palembang

  • JURNAL DIDACTIQUE Bahasa Indonesia


    Journal title Journal Didactique Bahasa Indonesia
    Initials JDBI
    ISSN Online 2721-5296
    ISSN Print 2721-5288
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January, July)
    Publisher Universitas Tridinanti
    Subject Areas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension | | Others


  • Didascein : Journal of English Education


    Journal title Didascein: Journal of English Education
    Initials DJoEE
    ISSN Online 2721-494X
    ISSN Print 2716-4942
    Frequency 2 issues per year (March and September)
    Publisher English Education Department of Tridinanti University
    Subject Areas English Language Teaching, English Linguistics, and English Literature
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions

    Didascein: Journal of English Education, periodically issued twice in a year, is a scientific journal managed by English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tridinanti University.  This journal focuses on facilitating the researchers, academicians, and teachers of English publish their scientific works or papers under the following scopes: English education, Language assessment and evaluation, and English linguistics. There are two version of publication; printed (p) with ISSN; and electronic (e) with ISSN Online.

  • Jurnal Desiminasi Teknologi


    Journal title Jurnal Desiminasi Teknologi
    Initials Destek
    ISSN Online 2503 5398
    ISSN Print 2303 212X
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January, July)
    DOI 10.52333
    Publisher Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tridinanti Palembang
    Subject Areas Engineering
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension |DOAJ | Others

    Destek : Journal of Dissemination of Technology is a journal that contains articles and scientific work as a result of research by lecturers and or students of the Faculty of Engineering which is published periodically 2 (two) times per year by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tridinanti Palembang.

  • Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL

    Journal title Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL
    Initials LATERAL
    ISSN Online 2987-7822
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June, November)
    DOI 10.52333
    Publisher Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Tridinanti
    Subject Areas
    • Structure Engineering
    • Water Resources Engineering
    • Transportation
    • Geotechnical Engineering
    • Construction Engineering and Management
    • Construction and Building Materials
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda |Dimension |DOAJ

    Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL is a collection of scientific research that aims to publish research results for researchers, academics, practitioners, and students in the field of Civil Engineering.

  • JIeTri : Journal of Industrial Engineering Tridinanti


    Journal title JIeTri : Journal of Industrial Engineering Tridinanti
    Initials JIeTri
    ISSN Online 2988-2303
    Frequency 2 issues per year (June and Desember)
    DOI On Process
    Publisher Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tridinanti Palembang
    Subject Areas - Industrial engineering
    - Operation Management
    - Supply Chain Management and Logistics
    - Operation Research
    - Manufacturing
    - Quality Management
    - System Informatics  Manufacturing
    - Safety and Ergonomic
    - Human Resources Management
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | GARUDA |DOAJ | Others

    JIeTri is a journal published by Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tridinanti Palembang. JIeTri  Journal  publishes manuscript articles twice a year (June and December). It’s focused on original articles in the form of research results or literature review which provides insight in the field of Industrial engineering  that includes the field study of Industrial engineering, Operation Management, Supply chain and Logistics, Operation Reserach, Manufacturing, Quality Management, System informatics  Manufacturing, Safety and Ergonomic. 

  • Turbulen : Jurnal Teknik Mesin


    Journal title TURBULEN: Jurnal Teknik Mesin
    Initials TURBULEN
    ISSN Online 2656-0186
    ISSN Print 2621-3354
    Frequency 2 issues per year (December and June)
    DOI On Process
    Publisher Prodi Teknik Mesin Universitas Tridinanti
    Subject Areas Konversi Energi, Metalurgi, Konstruksi, Produksi
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension |DOAJ | Others

    Turbulen is a journal published by Program Study of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tridinanti Palembang.  Turbulen Jurnal Teknik Mesin publishes manuscript articles twice a year (June and December). It’s focused on original articles in the form of research results or literature review which provides insight in the field of mechanical engineering and machinery that includes the field study of energy conversion such as combustion engineering, internal combustion engine, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, heat-mass transfer, tribology, VHAC and sustainable-renewable energy. The field study of metallurgical sciences like material processing, heat-treatment, metal forming-testing and advances materials. Construction field study with analytical and computational of mechanical rigid body as well as structural mechanism and manufacturing processes and manufacture engineering or as well as other related mechanical engineering.

  • Infolek : Jurnal Teknik Elektro


    Journal title Infolek : Jurnal Teknik Elektro
    Initials infolek
    ISSN Online 2961-8118
    ISSN Print On Process
    Frequency 2 issues per year (November, June)
    DOI On Process
    Publisher Universitas Tridinanti
    Subject Areas Teknologi Informasi, Power Systems, Sistem dan Elektronika, Sistem Komunikasi, Renewable Energy
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    Infolek: Jurnal Teknik Elektro is managed by Program Studi Teknik elektro, Universitas Tridinanti, Palembang, Indonesia. This journal publish twice in a year (November dan june). ISSN Online: 2961-8118

  • Jurnal Arsitektur INOVARSI


    Journal title Jurnal Arsitektur INOVARSI
    Initials INOVARSI
    ISSN Online On Process
    ISSN Print On Process
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January, July)
    DOI On Process
    Publisher Universitas Tridinanti Palembang
    Subject Areas
    • Architectural Design
    • Theory and History of Architecture
    • Housing and Settlement
    • Urban Design and Planning
    • Building Technology
    • Computation Architecture
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension |DOAJ | Others

    INOVARSI : Jurnal Arsitektur INOVARSI serves several goals i.e., being a medium of communication, dissemination and exchange of information, and a medium of publishing scholarly research in the field of Architecture

  • Jurnal TriAgro


    Journal title Jurnal TriAgro
    Initials JTA
    ISSN Online 3046-9066
    ISSN Print 2502-4736
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January,  July)
    DOI 10.52333
    Publisher Universitas Tridinanti
    Pengelola Prodi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tridinanti, Palembang
    Subject Areas Agroteknologi
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda |DOI| 

    Jurnal TriAgro adalah jurnal penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa dari bidang Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tridinanti serta penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa fakultas pertanian lain. Penerbitan jurnal secara berkala  diterbitkan 2 kali satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli.

  • TRISEPA : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Dan Agribisnis


    Journal title TRISEPA : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
    Initials TRISEPA
    ISSN Online 3046-9074
    ISSN Print On Process
    Frequency 2 issues per year (January, July)
    DOI On Process
    Publisher Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tridinanti Palembang
    Subject Areas Social Economic, Agribusiness
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar 

    TRISEPA : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis jurnal penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa dari bidang agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tridinanti serta penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa fakultas pertanian lain. Penerbitan jurnal secara berkala  diterbitkan 2 kali satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli.