JieTri is a journal published by Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tridinanti Palembang establish in December 2023. JUTSI Journal  publishes manuscript articles twice a year (March and Oktober). With journal management: Winny andalia.M.T. (Editorial in Chief), Deri Maryadi.M.T. (Editor Manager), Irnanda Pratiwi.M.T.(Editor), Selvia Aprilyanti.M.T.(Editor),Nurul Moulita,M.Tr.T.(Editor). For first Publication in March 2023 and for ISSN and DOI number will be process soon

JieTri focused on original articles in the form of Qualitative and Quantitative research results or literature review which provides insight in the field of Industrial engineering  that includes the field study of Industrial engineering, Operation Management, Supply chain and Logistics, Operation Reserach, Manufacturing, Quality Management, System informatics  Manufacturing, Safety and Ergonomic.