Author Guideline

Systematic writing:

  1. First part: title, authors, abstract
  2. Main part: Introduction, Research methods, Results and results, Conclusion
  3. Ending part: acknowledgment (if any), symbols description (if any), and references

Title and authors:

  1. Title is written by capital words (Title Case/Capital Each Word), bold, with font of Time New Roman 12, singlespace, center text and maximum words is 14
  2. Authors name placed under the title and written without degree. It starts with capital word (avoid to use “by” before the authors name). author sequence is first author then followed by second author etc
  3. Institution address and email written under authors name with font of Time New Roman 12.


  1. Abstract written in Indonesian and English (ABSTRAK in indonesia and ABSTRACT in english) with Bold, which contain introduction, research objectives, methode research, Results and Discussion, Conclusion
  2. The maximum words in abstract is no more than 250 words, and written with single space
  3. Justify text with font of Time New Roman 12.
  4. The abstract using format structured abstract
    • Background
    • Objectives
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion
    • Every section has to write in bold
    • Keywords consist 3 – 6 words, the word of “Keywords” also has to write in bold.

General rules of publication manuscript 

  1. Every section in manuscript is written with font of Time New Roman 12, using capital words and bold
  2. First sentence in new paragraph is written with indent-first line 1,5 cm, and there are no space between paragraphs
  3. Content of manuscript is written with font of Time New Roman 12 without using bold
  4. Words from foreign language is written italic
  5. Every numeral words have to written in number, except in the beginning of paragraph and intregers that less than ten
  6. Tables and pictures must have clear desription and serial number. Numbering use center text format and placed above the table and for picture, it placed below.
  7. The article contains a maximum of 12 pages


Reference format using Harvard Referencing Standard system. All literature that put in references must contain in manuscript. Minimum 80% Literatures prefered from the last 10 years.

  1. Books

    First author, second author etc. (last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title (italic). Edition, publisher. Place of publication. Example: . Waryana. 2016. Promosi Kesehatan , Penyuluhan, dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Untuk Dosen, Mahasiswa, Bidan, Perawat, Tenaga Kesehatan, dan Umum. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika.

  1. Journal Articles

    First author, second author etc. (last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title. Name of journal (italic). Volume. Number. Page. Example: FitzPatrick, B., 2019. Validity in qualitative health education research. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning11(2), pp.211-217.

  1. Conference Proceedings

    First author, second author etc. (Last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title. Name of conference. Date of conference. Place/City. Country.Page. Example: Michael, R. 2011. Integrating innovation into enterprise architecture management. Proceeding on Tenth International Conference on Wirt-schafts Informatik. 16-18 February 2011, Zurich, Swis. Hal. 776-786.

  1. Essay, Thesis and Dissertation

    First author, second author etc. (Last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title. essay, thesis or dissertation. university. Example: Pratiwi R.D. 2013. Pengaruh Suplementasi Vitamin A dan D pada pengobatan TB Paru BTA+ terhadap Percepatan Konversi Dahak di Fase Intensif. Tesis. Field Epidemiology Training Program Fakultas Kedokteran UGM, Yogyakarta.

  1. Website

    Authors. year. Title. Judul. Uniform Resources Locator (URL). Date of accessed. Example: WHO 2011. Global Tuberkulosis Control 2011. Available from: Diakses tanggal 12 Juni 2013.