Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Journal title</strong></td> <td width="80%"><strong>Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL<br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Initials</strong></td> <td width="80%"><strong>LATERAL</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>ISSN Online</strong></td> <td width="80%"><strong>2987-7822</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"> </td> <td width="80%"> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Frequency</strong></td> <td width="80%"><strong>2 issues per year (June, November)</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>DOI</strong></td> <td width="80%"><strong>10.52333</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Publisher</strong></td> <td width="80%"><strong>Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Tridinanti<br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Subject Areas</strong></td> <td width="80%"> <ul> <li><strong>Structure Engineering</strong></li> <li><strong>Water Resources Engineering <br /></strong></li> <li><strong>T</strong><strong>ransportation</strong></li> <li><strong>G</strong><strong>eotechnical Engineering</strong></li> <li><strong>Construction Engineering and Management</strong></li> <li><strong>Construction and Building Materials</strong></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="30%"><strong>Citation Analysis</strong></td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wfGK6RIAAAAJ&amp;hl=id&amp;authuser=3">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="https://garuda.kemdikbud.go.id/journal/view/33957">Garuda</a> |Dimension |DOAJ<br /></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL is a collection of scientific research that aims to publish research results for researchers, academics, practitioners, and students in the field of Civil Engineering.</p> en-US anifirda@gmail.com (Dr. Ani Firda, S.T, M.T.) hendrikjimmyanto@univ-tridinanti.ac.id (Dr. Ir. Hendrik Jimmyanto, S.T, M.Si.) Wed, 20 Nov 2024 03:29:35 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENGARUH PRODUKTIVITAS TENAGA KERJA TERHADAP PEKERJAAN PLESTERAN (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunan Masjid Babbusalam Sabil Barakah) https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/339 <p>A project is a temporary activity that has clear goals and objectives, lasts for a limited period of time, with a certain cost allocation. This research was conducted to find out how much labor productivity there is in plastering work on the Babbusalam Sabil Barakah Mosque construction project and what factors influence the productivity of plastering work on the Babbusalam Sabil Barakah Mosque construction project. The research was conducted by observing the productivity level of 32 workers and accompanied by filling out a questionnaire. Productivity observations used the work sampling method by calculating worker utility factors which were carried out for 3 days for each worker. The average value of the worker productivity utility factor in plastering work on the Babbusalam Sabil Barakah Mosque construction project is 89.57%. The variables that have been determined have a significance of 0.000&lt;0.005 (the required sig) so that they simultaneously have an influence on the level of productivity. Partially, 9 factors that influence the productivity variable have a calculated T value for each variable that exceeds the T table value of 2.074.</p> Kgs. M. Widi Atmiko, Zuul Fitriana Umari, Bazar Asmawi, Verinazul Septriansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/339 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KETERSEDIAAN DAN KEBUTUHAN AIR UNTUK IRIGASI PASANG SURUT DESA KARANG BARU KECAMATAN SUMBER MARGA TELANG https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/261 <p>Area is located in Karang Baru Village with an area of 2,100 ha. The Tidal Irrigation Channel is used to irrigate rice fields in Karang Baru Village. The source of irrigation water comes from the Musi River which has an impact on sea tides. The aim of this research is to determine the availability of water for tidal irrigation in Karang Baru Village, to determine the need for tidal irrigation water according to irrigation planting patterns. Primary data is data taken in the form of planting pattern data and the type of rice used, secondary data is rainfall data and climatology data. Evapotranspiration calculations use the Penman method and water availability calculations use F.J. Mock. After calculating water availability for tidal irrigation in Karang Baru Village using the F.J Mock method, the largest value occurred in March at 0.89 m<sup>3</sup>/second, while the smallest value occurred in July at 0.01 m<sup>3</sup>/second. The need for tidal irrigation water in Karang Baru Village during land preparation, the maximum water need occurs in October at 0.0061 m<sup>3</sup>/second, for water layer changes the maximum occurs in November at 0.0041 m<sup>3</sup>/second.</p> Sarkoni, Rosmalinda Permatasari, Reni Andayani, Ayu Marlina Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/261 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KINERJA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN RUMAH SAKIT PANTI BHAKTININGSIH CHARITAS KECAMATAN BELITANG, KABUPATEN OKU TIMUR https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/767 <p>In a project, planning and controlling time and cost is parts of contruction management project completely, Earned Value concept is one of method that can monitoring project’s performance from the cost and time goodly. This research has aim to know project’s performance from the time and cost side weekly, predict cost and time for job finishing rest of jobs. So it can get correction action what next will do for project developing. It use Earned Value Analisys by collecting data in the field development project Panti Bhaktiningsih Charitas Belitang Hospital. The results of the analysis of the Panti Bhaktiningsih Charitas Belitang Hospital construction project, namely the actual cost to complete the Panti Bhaktiningsih Charitas Belitang Hospital construction project from May 2017 to July 2018 was Rp. 19,883,148,800 with a Schedule Performance Index (SPI) value of 0.887 while the Cost Performance Index (CPI) was 1.034, which means that the project experienced delays in terms of schedule but incurred actual costs that were less than the work that had been carried out. Estimate to Completion (ETC) value is Rp. 7.333.436.666 and Estimate Cost at Completion (EAC) value is Rp.27.216.585.466,00 whereas Estimated Completion Date (ECD) value become 558 days from finishing the project.</p> Poppy Augustina Legislatifa, Ani Firda, Adefan Hendric, Fajar Sadik Islami, Indra Syahrul Fuad Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/767 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IDENTIFIKASI SISTEM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH KAWASAN JAKABARING SPORT CITY KOTA PALEMBANG https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/762 <p>Palembang City is a metropolitan city with a population of more than 1.5 million, as a result of this, there is a regional expansion, namely in the Jakabaring area where in this area there is Jakabaring Sport City. Jakabaring Sport City is an area that has sports facilities, namely stadiums and other supporting facilities so that it can attract local people to visit if there is a certain event or event. As a result of these results, it can increase waste generation. This study aims to identify the waste management system in the Jakabaring Sport City area of ​​Palembang City. The method used is a survey and observation, namely by measuring the composition of waste. The results of the study showed that the waste collection scheme uses a collection container which will then be transported to a temporary TPS. The results of measuring the composition of waste in this area show that based on the results of the survey on weekdays, namely Monday and Thursday, the largest waste composition was obtained, namely food waste of 36% to 42%, garden waste of 14% to 23% and plastic waste of 17% to 31%. The results of measuring the composition of waste on holidays, namely Sundays, obtained food waste of 36%, plastic waste of 26% and garden/park waste of 14%.</p> Dwi Aisyah Ananda, Kiagus Muhammad Aminuddin, Arie Putra Usman Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/762 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KUALITAS KOMBINASI VACUUM RESIDUE DAN HOT ROLLED SHEET PADA INFRASTRUKTUR JALAN https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/766 <p>Roads are infrastructure that function as a link between one region and another that is used by the general public, and is passed by various types of motorized vehicles. Road pavement damage often occurs before reaching the design age due to peeling due to excessive moisture. The use of vacuum residue (VR) in hot rolled sheet (HRS) mixtures for road construction involves several important technical and economic considerations. This study analyzed the Marshall characteristics of HRS mixture properties using VR. The VR used came from AMP PT. Pertamina Persero with an average asphalt content of 5.88%. The results showed that the Marshall parameters that did not meet were voids in the mixture (VIM) and voids filled with asphalt (VFA), for other parameters had met the 2018 Bina Marga specifications. The Marshall stability value obtained was 1979.55 kg with a Marshall Quotient of 395.91 kg / mm. Based on the results obtained, it shows that the use of VR in the HRS mixture can increase the Marshall stability value.</p> Deby Ansyory, Hendrik Jimmyanto, Felly Misdalena, Ramadhani Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/766 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KEMANTAPAN JALAN METODE IRI MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI ROADBUMP PRO & QGIS PADA JALAN DESA TANJUNG LUBUK – DESA PULAU GEMANTUNG ULU KABUPATEN OKI https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/892 <p>On the Tanjung Lubuk Road to Pulau Gemantung Ulu Village, it is a road that connects the OKI Regency and OKU Regency roads which are very important access for the smooth running of the economy. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the infrastructure of the connecting traffic road, in order to create better economic, social, cultural and educational growth. The method in this study uses road stability analysis with the IRI method and the Roadbump pro application which is applied to the Tanjung Lubuk village road - Pulau Gemantung Ulu Village, Tanjung Lubuk District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency with three types of vehicles, namely sedans, SUVs, pick-ups. Furthermore, the data obtained is validated using the QGIS application to be more accurate. The results of the study show a comparison between the types of Kijang Innova SUV vehicles in 2016, Cary Sedans in 2005 and Hilux Pick-Ups in 2014. The comparison of years and types of vehicles greatly affects the IRI value in the Roadbump Pro Application. The results of the digitization of road stability mapping using the QGIS Application taken from the IRI value results on the Roadbump pro Application on the 6 km Tanjung Lubuk District Road section have been accurate and appropriate where there are 3 criteria, namely green indicates good road conditions, yellow indicates moderate road conditions and red indicates damaged road conditions.</p> Febriyadi, Yules Pramona Zulkarnain, Sucika Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Teknik Sipil LATERAL https://ejournal.univ-tridinanti.ac.id/index.php/lateral/article/view/892 Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000