Berbelanja impulsif, Reaksi afektif, Reaksi kognitif, Live streaming commerceAbstract
This study aims to test the effect of affective reactions (attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise) and cognitive reactions (product usefulness, purchase convenience, product price) in consumers' urge to buy impulsively through live streaming in Indonesia. This research is a non-experimental quantitative study through data collection through online surveys in one data collection. This study was tested in 165 respondents who had shopped through live streaming in Indonesia with non-probability sampling techniques. Based on surveys, we knew that the most widely used platforms for watching live streaming and shopping through live streaming are the Tiktok application (which is a social commerce platform) and Shopee (which is an E-Commerce platform). The results showed that affective and cognitive reactions simultaneously and significantly were able to predict (R2 = 0.17, P< 0.05) the impulse to impulsive shopping in consumers. Attractiveness (one of the affective reactions) is the strongest predictor (B= 0.30, P< 0.05) capable of predicting the urge to buy impulsively through live streaming commerce. In future studies, it is hoped that it can use a balanced composition of male and female respondents, and there are studies that can identify why affective and cognitive reactions can influence the impulse to impulsive shopping in live streaming commerce.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh reaksi afektif (attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise) dan reaksi kognitif (product usefulness, purchase convenience, product price) terhadap dorongan berbelanja impulsif (urge to buy impulsively) pada konsumen yang pernah berbelanja melalui live streaming di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah studi kuantitatif non eksperimental dengan pengambilan data melalui survei daring dalam satu kali pengambilan data. Studi diujikan pada 165 responden yang pernah berbelanja melalui live streaming di Indonesia dengan teknik non-probability sampling. Berdasarkan survei diketahui bahwa platform yang paling banyak digunakan untuk menonton live streaming maupun berbelanja melalui live streaming adalah aplikasi Tiktok yang merupakan platform social commerce dan Shopee yang merupakan platform e-commerce. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaksi afektif dan kognitif secara bersamaan dan signifikan mampu memprediksi (R2 = 0,17, P< 0,05) dorongan berbelanja impulsif pada konsumen. Secara khusus, attractiveness yang merupakan salah satu bentuk reaksi afektif adalah prediktor terkuat (B= 0,30, P< 0,05) yang mampu memprediksi dorongan berbelanja impulsif melalui live streaming commerce. Pada studi selanjutnya diharapkan bisa menggunakan komposisi responden laki-laki dan perempuan yang seimbang, dan ada studi yang bisa mengidentifikasi mengapa reaksi afektif dan kognitif bisa memengaruhi dorongan berbelanja impulsif di live streaming commerce.
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