Aplikasi Mulsa pada Kacang Panjang (Vigna sinensis L.) di Lahan Pasang Surut Tipe Luapan D
mulch, cowpea, tidal land of overflow type DAbstract
Tidal land of overflow type D has the potential to be planted with vegetables, including cow peas, despite the infertile condition of the land. The use of mulch (including sawdust mulch and black and silver plastic mulch) is one of the crop cultivation techniques that can be used to increase the yield of cowpeas. The purpose of this study was to determine the most optimal mulch for increasing cow peas production on tidal land of overflow type D. The research was conducted on an area owned by PT Perdangan Indonesia located at Jalan H.M. Asyik Aqil, RT 49, RW 17, Sukajadi Village, Talang Kelapa District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province, from Oktober 2023 to January 2024. The method used was a field experiment using a non-factorial Randomized Group Design with 3 treatments repeated 9 times. The treatments consisted of no mulch, sawdust mulch, and silver black plastic mulch. The best cowpea production was obtained in the application of black silver plastic mulch, which was 6.19 kg/plot, or equivalent to 16.51 tons/ha. The date indicates that there wa an increase of 27,60 % when the much was not applicated in the analysis.
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