Pengaruh Pemberian Berbagai Dosis Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Mucuna bracteata L. di Pembibitan
NPK fertilizer, Mucuna bracteata L., LCCAbstract
This study aims to assess the optimal dose of NPK fertilizer for the growth of Mucuna bracteata L. plants in nurseries conducted in Semambu Village, Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province starting from August 2023 to October 2023. The research design used was a Randomized Group Design (RAK) with 5 (five) treatments and 5 (five) replications, each treatment unit consists of 30 plants, so the number of plants studied was 750 plants with 3 (three) sample plants studied in each treatment unit. The treatment design included P0 = Control, P1 = 5 g NPK/polybag, P2 = 10 g NPK/polybag, P3 = 15 g NPK/polybag and P4 = 20 g NPK/polybag. The observed variables include plant vine length (cm), number of leaves (strands), leaf area (cm2), fresh weight of plants (g), wet weight of the top of the plant (g), wet weight of the bottom of the plant (g) and dry weight of plants (g). The results of the research conclud that the provision of various doses of NPK fertilizer on the growth of Mucuna bracteata L. in the nursery gives a different effect on each variable observed, but the best results are obtained in the provision of NPK fertilizer with the treatment P2 = 10 g NPK / polybag, namely the length of the plant tendrils 21.93 cm at 5 weeks after planting (5 MST), number of leaves 14 strands (5 weeks after planting), leaf area 12.69 cm2 (5 weeks after planting), fresh weight of plants 11.07 g (5 weeks after planting), wet weight of the top of the plant 8.40 g (5 weeks after planting), wet weight of the bottom of the plant 2.70 g (5 weeks after planting) and dry weight of plants 4.73 g (5 weeks after planting).
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