Respon Tanaman Kubis Bunga (Brassica oleraceea Var Botrytis L.) di Polibeg Akibat Pemberian berbagai Takaran Pupuk Bokashi pada Daerah Dataran Rendah
Flower Cabbage Plants, Bokashi, FertilizerAbstract
This study aims to determine the response of flower cabbage plants (Brassica oleraceae var Botrytis L.) to the growth and yield due to the provision of various doses of Bokashi fertilizer in lowland areas. This research was conducted in Purwosari Village, Sembawa District, Banyuasin Regency, which started from September 2017 until November 2017. This research was conducted by (experiment) Randomized Block Design (RAK) method consisting of 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment in this study was P0 = without Bokashi / ha (control), P1 = 10 tons of Bokashi / ha (50 g / polybag) fertilizer, P2 = 15 tons of Bokashi / ha (75 g/ polybag) fertilizer, P3 = 20 tons fertilizer Bokashi / ha (100 g/ polybag), P4 = 25 tons of Bokashi / ha (125 g/ polybag) fertilizer, P5 = 30 tons of Bokashi / ha (150 g/ polybag) fertilizer. The observed variables were number of leaf (strands), plant height (cm), day of flower (day after planting), flower diameter (cm), fresh weight of plant flower (g), fresh weight of plant stalk (g). Based on the results of the research that has been carried out it can be concluded that: 1) The administration of Bokashi fertilizer has not affected the growth of flower cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. Botrytis L.) plants in polybag, but has a good effect on the results. 2) The administration of Bokashi fertilizer did not show differences for all treatments on plant height, number of leaves and day of flowering, but gave a difference in the diameter of the flower, the fresh weight of the flower of the plant and the fresh weight of the plants. 3) The provision of 150 g of Bokashi / polybag produced flower cabbage plants, namely the flower diameter of 11.30 cm, the fresh weight of flowers at 108.04 g / plant and the fresh weight of berries of 193.69 g / plant.
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