Budidaya Padi secara Sri dan Konvensional pada Padi Sawah Lebak : Pengaruhnya terhadap Hasil dan Produksi beberapa Varietas Padi
konvensional, sawah lebak, varietas padi, SRIAbstract
The research aims to determine and understand the influence of S.R.I and conventional rice cultivation on the yield and production of lowland rice from the Black, Red and Ciherang varieties. This research was carried out in the Greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, UTP. The research was carried out from February to August 2019. The experiment was structured using a completely randomized design (CRD) with a two-factor factorial pattern. The first factor is rice cultivation which consists of two treatments, namely conventional cultivation (K) and S.R.I cultivation (S) and the second factor is Variety (V) with three treatments, namely the Black variety (H), the Red variety (M), the Ciherang variety (C ), with 3 replications and 18 treatments. The research results reveal that S.R.I cultivation can increase production results between 21 - 50% when compared to conventional. Then the SRI system can increase the number of productive tillers per hill by 50.12%, the weight of grain per hill by 22.30%, the weight of grain per ha by 9.3 tons per hectare (60%) and the weight of 1000 grains by 21.43% compared to the conventional system.
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