Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Ketan (Zea mays ceratina) Akibat Pemberian Berbagai Takaran Pupuk Kotoran Walet
waxy corn, swallow manure fertilizerAbstract
This research aims to determine the growth and yield response of waxy corn (Zea mays ceratina) plants due to the application of various doses of swallow manure fertilizer. This research was carried out in Sri Karang Rejo Village, Lalan District, Musi Banyuasin Regency from October 2022 to December 2022. The research design used was an experimental method using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 4 treatments and 6 replications, each plot consisting of 50 plants, so the number of plants examined was 1200 plants. The number of samples in the experimental unit was 3 plants. The treatments studied were P0 = no fertilizer, P1 = 10 tonnes/ha equivalent to 10 kg/plot, P2 = 15 tonnes/ha equivalent to 15 kg/plot, P3 = 20 tonnes per/ha equivalent to 20 kg/plot. The variables observed were plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), length of cobs without husks (cm), diameter of cobs without husks (cm), number of cobs per plant (cobs), weight of cobs with husks per plant (g), weight husked cobs per plot (g). The response to the growth and yield of waxy corn (Zea mays ceratina) plants due to the application of various doses of swallow dung fertilizer resulted in a good response to the growth and yield of waxy corn plants (Zea mays ceratina) due to the application of various doses of swallow dung fertilizer. Providing 20 tons of swiftlet manure per ha can produce a plant height of 141.85 cm, ear length of 12.1 cm, ear diameter of 3.7 cm, ear weight per plant of 133.7 g, and ear weight per plot of 5,825 g.
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